Real Mom

When I went grab the milk out of the refrigerator this morning, lying there next to last nights left overs, which no one will probably want to eat, was a Cinderella figurine.  And just as I lay down at night, there was a plastic toy cell phone hiding under my pillow.  These little surprises are the least of what goes on in this house.  The truth is they are taking over.  They, being our four children and taking over, meaning the house, the car, the food and ultimately our lives.  That’s not a bad thing, I can say that proudly.  I hum “Let It Go” as I take a shower.  Toys are in every corner of every room.  They are stored in bins under the entertainment unit in the living room and crafts fill my linen closet.  A large display of seasonal art hangs proudly in my kitchen. The beautiful Waterford Crystal statues and Tiffany Lamps are packed away, leaving my end tables bare in the living room.  I have fully surrendered.
Having four children doesn’t seem chaotic when you are standing next to a women with six, as I did not long ago. You can’t really complain much.  However, I believe that is life’s funny tricks.  “Oh, you think your overwhelmed? You think you have it hard?”  There is always someone that will outdo you and in this case, put your life in perspective.  We all are overwhelmed at some point.  Our houses are all a mess.  We all know the words to the Frozen soundtrack and we all have let our children zone out to YouTube to keep the peace. And if you meet someone that claims they don’t live this life, don’t worry, they’re lying!  And if they’re not, get new friends!!
I’m a Real Mom living on Long Island and I want to talk about what is REALLY going on.  So take a deep breath and just know, you are not alone. You are a real mom too!

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